By Flex Watson
Like all of the All World Wrestling League shows since the XWA
has been reborn the 8th in Mason Michigan was not your
typical show.
Before any action could take place, before any of the wrestlers
could strap up their boots Shaffee and Ms. Natasha entered the ring.
In typical fashion that we have come to expect from Shaffee he
berated the crowd as a pack of losers who have no real allegiance to
anyone or anything. Shaffee then turned his attention to the C.E.O.
of the AWWL, Ed Farhat Jr, otherwise known as Captain Ed George.
Shaffee berated Ed as a has-been, as a sick individual who had
masterminded the upset victory that Quinson Valentino had over Ricky
Stryc9 at the previous show in Mason on June 10th. Here
is a small excerpt from what Shaffee had to say about the events
that evening:
“In typical Fahat fashion, you piece of garbage, you had your
good little Indian do your dirty work! After Brandon Andrews got
busted open the match should have been over, but no, you cheating
piece of garbage! You had your own personal Tonto go out and make
himself referee! That is an abuse of power! When we win back OUR
title and Sabu comes back here, after his successful run on one of
the WWE’s most popular Pay Per Views of the year I am taking over
the office! I’m going in and changing the locks, I’m going to tear
your picture down off the wall and put my picture up next to The
Sheik! I’m tossing out all the contracts and I’m going to remake
this company in an XTREME way! Barone, Medicine, Valentino, Dragon,
Mattson all of those who have said they are loyal to the AWWL can be
the new ring crew. They can set up the ring and I will have Medicine
sweeping the floors!”
At that point the commissioner came out of the back obviously
having heard enough. Medicine got into the ring and tore the
microphone from Shaffee’s hand. Medicine then began ripping into Ms.
Natasha and then openly mocked Shaffee as a crybaby and “a punk ass
who complains like an old lady with a bad back” Medicine offered no
apology for making himself the referee that gave Quinson the belt
and for the “fast count”. Medicine then went thru the litany of
crimes of the XWA from the attack on him that started it all, to the
attack on Ed Farhat Jr, to the attack on female wrestlers, other
wrestlers, abuse of referees and the cheating constantly to win.
Medicine was visibly shaking as he dared Shaffee to do something,
there were a few tense moments as Shaffee thought about it then
began walking out of the ring. As Medicine climbed thru the ropes
Shaffee attacked and went to deliver his patented “Sound of Silence”
which looks astonishingly like a stunner to Medicine, Medicine threw
him off and delivered an atomic drop sending Shaffee packing. The
crowd thoroughly enjoyed this display.
This match showcased the talent of Jerome Pruitt and the resiliency
of Frank Stein. Frank actually had the upper hand on the more
muscular and rings savvy Pruitt for a good portion of the bout but
this was definitely a case of the ring veteran taking advantage as
Pruitt rocked stein with some very stiff right hands and finished
him off with a top rope splash for the 3 count.
MINUTES. Mike Rivers has
been a consistent competitor in the AWWL with not the best win loss
record but he does have heart. Randy West, better known as
BaDunkaDunk in the Metro area showed her audacity and fierceness in
the ring as she controlled most of the match but could not withstand
the highflying assault of Mike Rivers as he delivered a devastating
hurancurrara from the top rope and then somehow spun it into a
reverse brain buster for the 1-2-3.
Typical of the highflying lucha libre style that The Unknown
Commentator has adopted since his debut this match pitted two of the
youngest and best of the AWWL in an all out battle. To Unreal he
wanted to end the streak of the Unknown Commentator at 180 and 0 but
it was not to happen on this night as the Unknown Commentator got in
a small package on Unreal and got the 3 count. After the match
Unreal delivered one of the most brutal chair shots anyone in the
AWWL has seen since Balls Mahoney was here last. Fans the chair
actually BROKE!
Quinson Valentino came to the ring and asked for Medicine to join
him. Quinson spoke of how he appreciated the confidence that
Medicine showed in him to allow him to wrestle for the Heavyweight
championship while he still held the TV Title. Quinson then went on
to announce that the championship committee had decided that he
could not effectively hold both belts so he had to surrender the TV
title. Medicine thanked Quinson and then announced that tonight
there would be a new TV title holder as he personally picked three
top names and they would have a three way dance to decide the
winner, Those competitors were
Conrad Kennedy the 3rd
Dragon Terzis
The Amazing N8 Mattson.
This match was a barn burner! The “Amazing” N8 Mattson truly lived
up to his name as he and Dragon Terzis double teamed CK3 for a good
majority of the match until Dragon seemed to be comfortable that he
and N8 would be facing one another one on one. Alexander Cain pulled
CK3 from the ring giving him time to catch his breath as N8 then
went to work on a distracted Dragon who, unlike N8 is not used to
Cain’s nefarious ways. Dragon then rebounded a bit and sent N8 out
to the floor where as soon as he got to his feet Dragon did a top
rope plancha onto Cain, CK3 and N8! The crowd was firmly behind
Dragon for the majority of the match as then CK3 had the upper hand
and there were maybe 6 two counts between N8 and CK3. Dragon caught
N8 off guard and rolled him up for the three count leaving just
himself and CK3. Before Dragon could celebrate his victory CK3
pounced and had Dragon rocked, allowing Cain to take advantage of a
distracted referee by choking Dragon with his tie. Dragon then came
back as he seemed on fire with anger and directed his best offense
against CK3. At one point Dragon had CK3 into the turnbuckle and
pounded his fist into his head for a ten count. Dragon then mounted
his best offense delivering a kick to the back of CK3’s head and
picked up the 3 count.
Shock of the night was watching the BIG man come thru the
curtain. Judge Dredd stands 7’1 and weighs 420 pounds easily
towering over Josh Movado and Bubba McKenzie. Gutter started the
match up by quickly taking advantage of Josh who was somewhat
intimated at the thought of having to face the monster of Judge
Dredd. There was great back and forth between Gutter and both of the
Bump-N-Uglies then Judge Dredd made the tag and to just be honest he
was like a huge tornado that devastated all in his path. Needless to
say Shaffee came out of nowhere to BLAST Dredd in the back with a
chair, but Dredd just turned to look at Shaffee like he was hit by
nothing more than a spitball. Shaffee’s face was worth the price of
admission when Dredd went after him, the Uglies then took advantage
and Bubba drop kicked Gutter while Josh came off the top rope
with a devastating splash to get the win.
Eddie Venom
made his appearance with Shaffee and Ms. Natasha in tow. Valentino
came out by himself but the commissioner, Medicine, quickly joined
him at the ringside table. Eddie Venom had the early advantage and
even went for a quick three count in the early goings of the match.
The thing with Venom is that he has this uncanny ability to move
like a luchadore, that in and of itself is not so uncanny but when
you factor in that Eddie Venom is 6 foot 9 then THAT is really
interesting. Quinson is not and easily beaten competitor and even
with the constant yelling and screaming of Shaffee about unfair
calls, when there were none, and the distraction that Ms. Natasha
was providing for the referee, he came back and took control of the
match. Venom had Quinson on the outside for a few minutes and just
when Shaffee was going to interfere Quinson took the match back into
the ring. Quinson was again taken off his game by the aerial assault
of Venom and there was a count of 2 and three quarters. Venom then
came back with a flurry of rights and took Venom off his feet with a
major league back body drop and then he covered Venom for a clean
1-2-3. After the match Shaffee then delivered The Sound Of Silence
to referee Brian Mead and left the ring.
Things are
seriously heating up folks. The desperation of the XWA grows with
each day, the tenuous grasp that Medicine has on the AWWL is a pure
breeding ground for bad things to happen. Shaffee has promised that
he would eliminate all those in control of the AWWL. He promised me,
the last time we spoke, that there are two key individuals that
they, the XWA, have targeted and I know for a fact that Medicine is
one; the other has to be our champion Quinson Valentino.
I’ll end this
report with a quote from Shaffee
“Trust me that
we will be victorious; trust me that the bloodshed will be deep and
the pain everlasting”
Shaffee, interviewed...
1) Who gave you the nickname "Voice of Violence"?
That name was given to me by my grandfather. He was a fighter and trained with Joe Louis.
During one sparring session, my grandpa knocked Joe Louis out cold. Anyway, when I was a kid,
I was always fighting with my brothers. When I would yell at them, my grandpa would say that I had
a voice of violence.
2) What’s your first memory of wrestling?
My first memory of wrestling is watching the original Big Time Wrestling on CBC Channel 9 in Detroit
with my dad on Saturday mornings. I was probably 3 or 4 years old. My dad took me to my first live
event in January of 1985 at Cobo in Detroit. In the main event, Andre the Giant beat King Kong Bundy
by Count out. Bundy couldn't get an advantage in the Match, so he just walked out. Now I would be
disappointed in a finish like that, but back then it was the greatest thing I had ever seen.
3) Medicine and you seem to be friends but to listen to you two talk it sounds like your always fighting.
What’s up with that?
Well first of all, I don't have a lot of friends. Friends are for weak individuals who can't manage on
their own. However, I do get along with Medicine for the most part. But now he is the Interim
commissioner of the AWWL and that is an important position with great power attached to it.
I generally don't get along with authority figures. If he considers me his friend then fine, but business
is business and I just hope he doesn't try to hold me back like the late Dennis Allen did. In other words,
I may be cool with someone off camera but when it comes to wrestling, I trust no one.
4) So you're just normally unfriendly. Why would you mark Ricky Stryc9 as a "marked man"?
He's helped Sabu, they even tagged before.
Ricky Stryc9 is a marked man simply because of the fact that he is The AWWL Heavyweight Champion.
Everyone knows that Sabu should be the champion and I want that gold. They say he's a really nice guy
with a lot of heart. Well, I'd like to rip his heart out of his chest and wave it around the ring on a stick.
The way I see things, whoever is the champion will be the number one guy on my hit list. The day is soon
approaching. Sabu will give Ricky Stryc9 a beating that will make him question whether to continue his
career in the squared circle. His valet Natasha is more than welcomed to spend some quality time with
the "Voice Of Violence" though.
5) At the end of the XWA when Kevin Sullivan attacked you what were you thinking?
I was only thinking about revenge. I never got it though. I didn't need to. Sabu took care of the problem
for me. Kevin Sullivan literally tried to kill me. He wasn't the first one to attempt to end my life. He spiked
my head and turned me into a bloody mess. What he didn't realize is that I would be back. I always come
back. I come back because I've got the heart of a lion and the heart of an Arab. Sullivan hasn't returned
since then because he knows that. I've seen violence my whole life. I'm not scared of blood. Until
someone actually kills me, I'll keep coming back.
6) Who is a threat to Sabu as of right now in the entire world of Pro Wrestling?
Well, I think the only threat to Sabu is himself. When focused, he has defeated some of the world's best.
But he has lost some matches that I feel he was misguided for. Sabu has not been pinned cleanly in the
middle of the ring since he put me in his corner. Let it be known that I have very little control over Sabu's
actions. However, we have an understanding. He knows that I want to win at all costs. If Sabu remains
poised at all times, then nobody in the world can pose a legitimate threat to him. I understand that he is
the best wrestler in the world when he has his head in it.
7) Why has Sabu been kept from the title for this long?
It's pretty obvious that they don't want Sabu to be the champ. I don't exactly know the reason. Maybe it's
because they don't want an Arab-American representing their product in times like these. That would be
pretty hypocritical if that's the reason. I mean on one hand, you have an all American, good looking, young
kid like Ricky Stryc9, and on the other hand, you have a scarred up, long-haired, Lebanese maniac that
rips opponents apart like a crocodile. That would be the only thing I can think of. Maybe you should ask
Medicine that question.
8) Who discovered that you could work at the TV studios but not the arena?
I believe that was Medicine. For that, I'll give him credit. He did his homework and obviously knew that
Big Time Wrestling with Shaffee is far more entertaining than Big Time Wrestling without Shaffee.
I know that Medicine stands up for what he believes and that he won't back down from anyone.
That is admirable, but it also might be his biggest fault. If he spreads himself to thin by upsetting
too many people, then he might meet his doom.
9) When will your suspension be lifted?
When I prove to the board that I am not a danger to society. I think Medicine is working on it, but who
knows. Just because I'm suspended doesn't mean that I won't show up. You never know what I've got
10) In a match who would win? Shaffee or the Unknown Commentator?
That's a very interesting question! We would have figured that out in November of 2003 if it wasn't for
Kevin Sullivan. I would say that I would win. I'd give him the wrestling side of it, but I think that I could
find a way to hurt him and make him bleed through his mask until he couldn't take anymore. When you
grow up my size and with as big of a mouth as I have, you learn how to hurt someone even if they
outmatch you physically. Unknown isn't bigger than me so I think I would win.
11) How about some word association? First thing that comes to mind...
Sabu Violent.
AWWL A much needed alternative
Backyard Wrestling A good way to get paralyzed.
Paco Good announcer, but not as good as the Unknown Commentator.
Medicine Exactly what the AWWL needed.
Ricky Stryc9 Paper champion.
Sheik The most influential person in wrestling history, hands down.
Hulk Hogan Egomaniac. That's a good thing
Bill Alfonso Nice teeth. Looks like a crack head with AIDS.
ECW Built by Sabu, died when he left.
Tradition The single most important thing in wrestling.
Milwaukee Crusher Coward.
Shaffee, thanks for your time...