Out of
the fiery sands of the Syrian desert came a man who would over
the next three decades prove to be one of the most inhuman monsters
ever to invade the rings of professional wrestling. In the early days
of his career, he was known as The Sheik of Araby. Always accompanied
to the ring by The Princess, he employed a style of wrestling that was
new and unique to American fans. His ring antics, always cruel
and heinous, would insure his hand would be raised in victory while a
bloody mess that once resembled an opponent laid at his feet. The
pre-match abuse he administered to The Princess was a showing of
things to come for whomever was unfortunate enough to be his opponent
that night. He would kick, hit, yell and spit at his Princess as she
kneeled before her master while holding the ceremonial incense. Often
times she would be physically kicked out of the ring, all this in full
view of the audience, be they in person or televised.

As the years
progressed, The Princess would eventually disappear as would his
original name. He then became THE SHEIK. In the mid 1960's, he
accepted the services of a manager, Abdullah Farouk -evil incarnate-a
nefarious man whose ultimate goals paralleled those of The Sheik.
A partnership cemented by the blood of many opponents across America
and throughout the world would result in The Sheik being crowned the
U.S.Champion, a title he would hold for the next six years. This win
catapulted The Sheik into the top position as the most sought after
wrestler in the world.

At the
beginning of those years as champion, The Sheik began to use any means
necessary to maintain his position as U.S.Champion. He would use
foreign objects on his opponents as well as apply his trademark hold,
"The Camel Clutch". However there was one thing The Sheik
could do that no other wrestler could--throw FIRE!! Many notable
wrestlers felt this fire which was always thrown anytime The Sheik
felt he was in danger of losing his championship--a move always
encouraged by the sinister Farouk. Witnesses throughout the world say
that when The Sheik would throw fire, he would appear as though he was
in a trance.

Over the past twenty years, The Sheik has maintained his
position as wrestling's quintessential mat madman. Has he mellowed at
all? NO! If anything he has become worse. Recently he found a new
following in Japan, a country that appreciates seasoned wrestlers and
not just the youthful ones. Unfortunately America's big promotions
seem to be preoccupied with youthful wrestlers while ignoring the true
legends of wrestling. And no one in this sport is more of a legend
than The Sheik.
-Mark Ferrante